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Meta Box Upload Group Review

Discover Meta Box Upload Group: 9 field types for Files, Images, and Videos, with customization options and versatile display using Advanced Views.

Key Points at a Glance

  1. The Meta Box upload group consists of 9 field types, handling 3 unique data types: File, Image, and Video.
  2. Meta Box upload group provides customization options for editors' field appearance.
  3. File field types include File, File Advanced, File Input, and File Upload, each serving specific purposes. Among these, File Advanced offers the most flexibility.
  4. Image field types include Image, Image Advanced, Single Image, and Image Upload, each serving specific purposes. Among these, Image Advanced stands out as the most versatile option.
  5. Gallery field type: Despite lacking a 'gallery' field type, Image Advanced behaves like ACF Gallery.
  6. Smart templates from Advanced Views Lite can be used to display values from any Upload fields.

Table of Contents

What is the Meta Box?

Meta Box is a famous plugin and one of the best WordPress meta field plugins that allows you to manage meta fields easily.

Meta Box Upload group

The Meta Box upload group includes 9 field types. One of Meta Box's distinct characteristics is providing multiple field types for the same data types, so these 9 types actually handle only 3 unique data types:

  1. File: File, File Advanced, File input, File upload
  2. Image: Image, Image Advanced, Single image, Image Upload
  3. Video: Video

Let's examine the differences to understand when we should use each one.

File field types

MetaBox upload group's look for editors
File field types look for editors
Field typeWhen to use
FileAllows to upload new files
(without the option to choose from existing ones)
File AdvancedAllows to choose existing files or upload new ones
File InputAllows input of file URL (external or internal) or use of the media library picker
File UploadAllows file uploads and includes a drag-and-drop area

Conclusion: the File Advanced option offers the most universality and flexibility. Consider using the other options only when you have specific requirements.

Tip: To display values from the File fields, you can either use the built-in rwmb_get_value function or employ smart templates from the Advanced Views Lite plugin, with automated template generation and built-in post queries.

Image field types

MetaBox image fields look for editors
Image field types look for editors
Field typeWhen to use
ImageAllows to upload one or more new images
(without the option to choose from existing ones)
Image AdvancedAllows to choose one or more existing images or upload new ones
Single ImageAllows to choose one existing image or upload a new one
Image UploadAllows image uploads and includes a drag-and-drop area

Conclusion: the Image Advanced option offers the most universality and flexibility. Consider using the other options only when you have specific requirements.

Although Meta Box doesn't have a field type called 'gallery', the Image Advanced field behaves exactly like the ACF Gallery field, allowing you to use it as a gallery.

Tip: To display images from the field, you can either use the built-in rwmb_get_value function or employ smart templates from the Advanced Views Lite plugin, with automated template generation and built-in post queries.
If you need to display images as a masonry gallery, slider, or inline gallery, consider using Advanced Views Pro, which includes integrations for LightGallery and Macy along with the Splide slider.


The Meta Box upload group offers a wide variety of field types, allowing you to customize the editor's field appearance according to your needs. With this article, you can easily navigate through the field types to choose the most suitable one for your requirements.

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FAQ mode


Learning mode

  1. What are the main types of fields included in the Meta Box upload group?

    The Meta Box upload group consists of 9 field types, primarily handling File, Image, and Video data.

  2. What should I consider when choosing between File field types?

    Consider your specific requirements for file handling, such as uploading new files, choosing existing ones, or inputting file URLs, to select the most appropriate option.

  3. How can I display values from the Upload group fields?

    You can use the built-in rwmb_get_value function or employ smart templates from the Advanced Views plugin.

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About the Author

Maxim Akimov

Full stack WEB expert from Ukraine with over 8 years of experience. Advocate of best practices, and a big fan of the SOLID/KISS principles. Loves sporting activities and enjoys going to the gym and regularly plays table tennis.


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