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ACF Google Map Field

Elevate your website with ACF Google Maps: Discover settings, display options, and explore OpenStreetMap as an alternative solution.
Google maps offer context

Key Points at a Glance

  1. Use Cases for Google Maps: Google Maps are useful for various purposes, including showcasing business locations, providing directions, or indicating delivery options for online stores, enhancing user experience and practicality.
  2. Challenges of Direct Embedding: While embedding Google Maps directly is possible, it lacks customization options and can be cumbersome, especially when dealing with multiple locations or integrating maps into Custom Post Types (CPTs).
  3. Customization Options: ACF Google Map fields offer settings for defining map center coordinates, zoom level, and map height, providing flexibility and consistency in how maps are displayed across different pages and posts.
  4. Third-Party Support for OpenStreetMap: For users preferring OpenStreetMap (OSM) over Google Maps, there's a third-party plugin available for integrating OSM fields into ACF, expanding options for map-based content management.
  5. Technical Implementation Behind the Scenes: Behind the scenes, the ACF Google Map field utilizes the Google Maps JavaScript API to enable features like address autocomplete searching and reverse geocoding lookup, enhancing user interaction and data accuracy.
  6. API Key Registration for Google Maps: To use the Google Maps JavaScript API, users need to register an API key, ensuring access to necessary functionalities like geocoding and map rendering, enhancing security and control over map usage.
  7. Displaying Maps with Shortcodes or PHP Code: You have the option to display Google Maps using shortcodes for easy integration or custom PHP code for more advanced customization, providing flexibility in implementation based on user preferences and technical expertise.

Table of Contents

Advanced Custom Fields is one of the best plugins for managing meta fields and Custom Post Types (CPTs). The ACF Google Map field is one of the ACF field types, allowing you to display… You guessed it, a Google Map. 

About the Google Map field

The ACF Google Map field stores an address, that is then turned into a map on the frontend.

The Google Map field is one of many ACF field types, there are more than 35 field types already and still somehow that number is still growing.

ACF Google Map field is like an embed field, where you don’t have direct control over the content, but still have some control on how it displays and in what size visitors see the map and the all important location marker.

There are many reasons why you’d want a Google Map on your post or page. You can show the location of a business, e.g. a Business directory. Perhaps you have an online store and one of your delivery options is “Free pickup”, buyers may need an actual map to find their way.

With the ACF Google Map field, editors can define an address by placing a marker on the target location or inputting an address into the autocomplete field.

On the front end, the map will be available with the chosen marker and will be interactive. Keep in mind that the 'autocomplete' address feature works only for editors, so if you need, for example, the autocomplete address for WooCommerce checkout, this field doesn't fit directly.

Embed the map the old way

You could embed the map directly. As you may know, in the past and still today it was quite easy to just go to Google Maps or Visit maps.google.com, perhaps even with Google Earth it was possible, but let's not lose focus here. Google Maps is simply one of those technological things we can’t live without, enough said. 

To embed a Google Map directly, visit a location on Google Maps, select ‘share’ and then switch to ‘Embed the map’, select a size and then ‘Copy HTML’ and paste it in place.

Example of HTML embed code for Somerset West, City Center in South Africa;

<!--a map that's directly embedded-->
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d105767.5598163991!2d18.746078233330014!3d-34.063457740807046!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x1dcdb565fbc4f737%3A0x42f889f307a16bb9!2sSomerset%20West%2C%20Cape%20Town!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sza!4v1682081617435!5m2!1sen!2sza" width="600" height="450" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade"></iframe>

Embedding maps directly has of course many drawbacks, the main points are; it doesn't provide any settings or UI to editors, and if you need to add a map to for example a CPT, different locations can't be used on different pages in this way. At least not without a lot of manual work and effort.

Field settings

With the Google Map field you have some settings when creating the field. You can define latitude and longitude coordinates to center the initial map around that point, you can set the zoom level and customize the height of the Google Map.

These settings are useful and help on the post/page edit screen, it even saves time, and helps with consistency across the site post and pages, so the maps look similar and have the same height.

google map field settings
The Google Map field settings, define the zoom level and height.

ACF OpenStreetMap Field

If you're planning on using Open Street Maps (OSM), then we recommend to use the third-party ACF OpenStreetMap Field plugin. Once enabled, add an OpenStreetMap Field to your Field Group, then in Advanced Views you can select the map field from the list.

Behind the scenes in ACF

Behind the scenes, the ACF Google Map field type allows editors to see and interact with a live map to define a marker. It uses the Google Maps JS API to provide address autocomplete searching and reverse geocoding lookup.

Information about your choice is returned as an array, and it's saved into the meta field as a serialized value. It contains several keys, like 'address', 'lat', 'lng' and 'country', see below for an example of the meta value.

a:10:{s:7:"address";s:10:"London, UK";
s:7:"country";s:14:"United Kingdom";

Use this data as you see fit, from the most common usage, like displaying the address on the contact page, to using it in some API request as an argument.

But don't forget the fact that ACF doesn't provide any frontend for the map. This means that ACF includes the Maps' API only for editors in the backend. Therefore you'd need to load Google Maps API, and initialize the map yourself for it to appear on the frontend of your site.

Doing it in this was does provide flexibility in the usage of the data, as you can display the map using an alternative vendor (like OpenStreetMap), but also usually results in more time spent on integration.

Register Google Map JS API key

To use the Google Maps JS API you’d need to register an API key. The Google Map field requires the following APIs; Maps JavaScript API, Geocoding API and Places API.

Follow Google's API instructions to Get your API key.

Register your Google Map API on your site, using one of these methods;
Paste it in your theme's functions.php template file, replacing 'xxx' with your key.

// Method 1: Filter.
function my_acf_google_map_api( $api ){
    $api['key'] = 'xxx';
    return $api;
add_filter('acf/fields/google_map/api', 'my_acf_google_map_api');
// Method 2: Setting.
function my_acf_init() {
    acf_update_setting('google_api_key', 'xxx');
add_action('acf/init', 'my_acf_init');
Google Maps field directions
See the forest for it's trees.

Display ACF Google Map with a shortcode

Using the code method is quite complex and becomes a little worse when you want to do more with a Google Map, it’s worth mentioning that there are some drawbacks, of which the biggest is that you would need to write and add several different code snippets (see the PHP way).

However, there is an alternative way to solve this without so much code. It will still allow you to display the Google Map and you can have markers too. It’s done with the Advanced Views framework, which introduces smart templates, with automated template generation and built-in post queries.

Advanced Views will create the HTML markup, so you won’t have to. All you do is install it, active it and start creating. You select fields from a dropdown, one by one, each field has some settings, then once you publish your ACF View you get shortcodes, each with its own purpose. Copy the shortcode in place on a post or page, that’s it.

Read more on how to display Google Map fields without coding and the field options available.

Multiple Map Markers

The ACF Google Maps Field (Multiple Markers) plugin is compatible and can be used with the Advanced Views framework.

How-to Step-by-step

Follow along by installing and activating the Advanced Views framework on your WordPress website. You’ll also need Advanced Custom Fields installed and active, both plugins are available free of charge from Wordpress.org plugin directory.

Now that you’re ready, let’s continue.

Step 1. Define Google Map API key

Be sure to Register the Google Map JS API key as mentioned earlier.

See the Advanced Views Google Map field for up-to-date documentation.

Step 2. Create an ACF View

When you activate the Advanced Views framework a new item appears in the admin menu, called "Advanced Views". The item has several sub-items, but in our case, we'll be working only with the one called "Advanced Views".

Click that menu item to open the Advanced Views page and then click the 'Add New' button to create a View. On the new page give your View a name, it can be anything that describes the View. I've called my View "business locations".

Step 3. Assigning fields

It’s time to assign the Google Map field to your View. Click on the ‘Add Field’ button and select your ‘Group’ from the dropdown. In my case, I've called the group “Map Location”.

google map field assigning
Assign the ACF Google Map field in your ACF View.

Then continue to select the target field from the list. I've selected “Map” which is what my Google Map field is called. See Field Options tab for more settings and to hide map or change address format (only in Advanced Views Pro).

Now you can 'Publish' your ACF View or click 'Update' (if you've saved before), then copy the first shortcode and paste it in place, anywhere in the post or page content area. For Gutenberg editor, use the "shortcode" block. Save your page and view the post/page to see the results.

That's it, you're done.

A Google map view of Queens Park in Australia
A Google Map with location marker.

Display ACF Google Map with PHP code

Be sure to Register the Google Map JS API key as mentioned above. To display a live map, we need to request the field data (about the selected marker) using the ACF get_field function, and transfer it to the front JS. Then we need to query the Google Maps API, and ensure the map is uninitialized. Below we provide a universal code, that suits both cases, for when you either have a map marker or not.

1. Create the markup

Add the code below into your theme template file or to your functions.php as a code snippet.


// TODO your field name here
$mapInfo = get_field("map");

$zoom = $mapInfo['zoom'] ?? '16';
$lat = $mapInfo['lat'] ?? '';
$lng = $mapInfo['lng'] ?? '';

// zoom level - gets from every specific map (when admins zoom out and saves a page, the zoom is also saved)
    '<div class="my-map" style="width:100%%;height:400px;" data-zoom="%s">',

    '<div class="my-map__marker" data-lat="%s" data-lng="%s"></div>',

echo "</div>";

2. Query Google Maps JS

Use the code below to load the Maps JS API for all pages.


add_action('wp_footer', function () {
    $apiData = apply_filters('acf/fields/google_map/api', []);

    $key = $apiData['key'] ?? '';

    $key = !$key ?
        acf_get_setting('google_api_key') :

    if (!$key) {

        sprintf('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=%s&callback=googleMapsCallback', $key),

This code snippet uses the same Google API key that you've defined for ACF for site admins.

Pro tip: For better performance, we recommend adding some checks, to make sure this only loads on pages where the map exists. E.g. Limit it to a single page by URL with is_page, or to the CPT type with is_singular.

3. Initialize the map

Continue by adding the following JS code to the target page.

class Map {
    constructor(element) {
        this.element = element
        this.map = null
        this.mapMarkers = []

    readMarkers() {
        // TODO replace the selector if you've changed it in the markup
        this.element.querySelectorAll('.my-map__marker').forEach((markerElement) => {
            let lat = markerElement.dataset.hasOwnProperty('lat') ?
                markerElement.dataset['lat'] :
            let lng = markerElement.dataset.hasOwnProperty('lng') ?
                markerElement.dataset['lng'] :

                lat: parseFloat(lat),
                lng: parseFloat(lng),


    createMap() {
        let mapArgs = {
            zoom: parseInt(this.element.dataset.hasOwnProperty('zoom') ?
                this.element.dataset['zoom'] :
            mapTypeId: window.google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
        this.map = new window.google.maps.Map(this.element, mapArgs)

    createMarkers() {
        this.mapMarkers.forEach((marker) => {
            new window.google.maps.Marker({
                position: marker,
                map: this.map,

    centerMap() {
        // Create map boundaries from all map markers.
        let bounds = new window.google.maps.LatLngBounds()

        this.mapMarkers.forEach((marker) => {
                lat: marker.lat,
                lng: marker.lng,

        if (1 === this.mapMarkers.length) {
        } else {

    init() {
        if (!window.hasOwnProperty('google') ||
            !window.google.hasOwnProperty('maps') ||
            !window.google.maps.hasOwnProperty('Map') ||
            !window.google.maps.hasOwnProperty('Marker') ||
            !window.google.maps.hasOwnProperty('LatLngBounds') ||
            !window.google.maps.hasOwnProperty('MapTypeId') ||
            !window.google.maps.MapTypeId.hasOwnProperty('ROADMAP')) {
            console.log('Google maps isn\'t available')

        // before the map initialization, because during creation HTML is changed

class Maps {
    constructor() {
        this.isMapsLoaded = false
        this.mapsToInit = []

        // TODO change to yours if you've defined own callback (for https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api...)
        window.googleMapsCallback = this.mapsLoadedCallback.bind(this)

        'loading' !== document.readyState ?
            this.setup() :
            window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', this.setup.bind(this))

    setup() {
        const observer = new MutationObserver((records, observer) => {
            for (let record of records) {
                record.addedNodes.forEach((addedNode) => {
        observer.observe(document.body, {
            childList: true,
            subtree: true,


    mapsLoadedCallback() {
        this.isMapsLoaded = true

        this.mapsToInit.forEach((map) => {

        this.mapsToInit = []

    addListeners(element) {
        if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE !== element.nodeType) {

        // TODO replace the selector if you've changed it in the markup

        element.querySelectorAll('.my-map').forEach((mapElement) => {
            let map = new Map(mapElement)

            if (!this.isMapsLoaded) {




new Maps()

The snippet above will initialize all the maps on your page, that have the markup from the first step. If you made changes to the markup classes, don't forget to reflect them here too (see TODO).

This snippet uses the MutationObserver feature, so it will work even in case your maps' info was added dynamically, e.g. after an ajax request.

ACF Google map address
The road to endless possibilities.

To get additional information, watch the video below and read the official ACF article.

ACF Map field integration, video cover

Final thoughts

In this tutorial we’ve shown you how to use and display an ACF Google Map field in two ways with an added bonus for native Google Map Embed, the first with coding and the more practical and easier way with using a shortcode.

An ACF View can contain any number of fields of different types, which means you could extend your View at any time, Advanced Views supports all available field types with extended support for complex fields.

Google maps offer different map types.
Different types of maps on a stand

To get more info about the plugin we’ve used in our shortcode example, visit the official plugin page.

Maps don’t always need to be associated with a business, you can create literally any type of map.

Have fun out there!

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FAQ mode


Learning mode

  1. What are the drawbacks of directly embedding Google Maps?

    Directly embedding Google Maps lacks customization options and can be cumbersome, especially when dealing with multiple locations or integrating maps into Custom Post Types (CPTs).

  2. What customization options are available for ACF Google Map fields?

    ACF Google Map fields offer settings for defining map center coordinates, zoom level, and map height, providing flexibility and consistency in how maps are displayed across different pages and posts.

  3. Is there support for OpenStreetMap (OSM) in ACF?

    Yes, there is third-party support for integrating OpenStreetMap (OSM) fields into ACF, expanding options for map-based content management.

  4. Do I need to register for a Google Maps API key?

    Yes, you need to register an API key to use the Google Maps JavaScript API, ensuring access to necessary functionalities like geocoding and map rendering, enhancing security and control over map usage.

  5. What are the options for displaying Google Maps on websites?

    You have the option to display Google Maps using shortcodes for easy integration or custom PHP code for more advanced customization, providing flexibility in implementation based on user preferences and technical expertise.

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About the Author

Baxter Jones

With over 15 years of experience in the web industry, I specialize in design, user experience, and web best practices. I have a keen eye for detail and thrive on following a structured process in my work. I’m passionate about WordPress, considering it the best innovation since sliced bread. When I’m not at my computer, you’ll find me enjoying time in the garden.


Thanks for this tip. I needed a way to show a map on custom posts derived from the ACF Map field, without coding (using blocks). This worked. Much appreciated.
Baxter Jones
We're glad to hear it.
Thank you for the support.

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